Matunga police have made another arrest in connection with the ongoing investigation into the interstate child trafficking racket. The accused has been identified as Beena Tandel, a 32-year-old nurse from Karnataka, who is the 11th person to be arrested in the case.
According to senior police officers, Tandel has been involved in this racket for the last three years and is working closely with the main accused Nadaf. During interrogation, Tandel confessed to selling three children, two of whom he sold with Nadaf and one by himself. All three were reportedly sold in Pune. After this revelation, Matunga Police has informed Pune Police and child welfare organizations for further investigation.
Investigators have revealed that Tandel had been working in a hospital in Karnataka for several years, where she came in contact with Nadaf. So far, evidence suggests that Tyndall was directly involved in the sale of two of the four children identified in the investigation. Police suspect that the network of the racket extends to many areas of Gujarat, Karnataka and Maharashtra. They believe many more children may have been trafficked, and efforts are ongoing to uncover more information.
Additionally, the police have also uncovered evidence linking a doctor from Karnataka to the racket. Sources reveal that the doctor may also be involved in other child trafficking operations. Mumbai Police is coordinating with Karnataka Police to collect evidence and take necessary action.
Last week, Matunga police had busted this racket after receiving information about a child being sold in Mumbai. Investigation is ongoing.